Thursday, April 24, 2014

DIY: Cupcake Liners Flowers

This is my first attempt to do a #DIYProjects.
Well, a simple way to spice up my room a bit, using a vintage blue mason jar that I've bought at ACE Hardware for IDR 29.500 (if i'm not wrong), cupcakes liners that i have, glue, and some embellishment to make it prettier.
Let the picture do the talking:

Birthday' Present From Ms. Boss..

Hello blog, 

Sorry to ignore you for a while, been busy with work and daily routines.
Anyway, want to share a bit that Tuesday, April 8 is my birthday and so happy to received the birthday present from Ms. Boss. 
This was a first body shop package that I've had so far since i don't really do cosmetic and skin care haul ;p.

Well, thank you very much, Ms. Boss. God Bless